Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Crazy Tuesday!

So today is what I call crazy Tuesday. At lunch today I have to go to Costco and pick up Seasan's skirt for her Company class.  Then when I leave work I need to run out to pick up the kids from daycare, put dinner on the table by 5PM and be ready to leave the house by 6PM.

First we drop Seasan by her dance school where she spends the next 2 hours doing modern and ballet.  After dropping her off we are on our way to the church to attend our financial class. (Dave Ramsey...all I can say is AWESOME!!)  Nicholas gets checked into his class for 3 year olds where he gets to play and do sport activities and we sit down for our 13 week course in Financial Freedom.
   Note:  So far we have completed baby step 1 and are working on baby step 2 in leaps and bounds!  It is so exciting to think we could be debt free in 2 years. (That is not counting if we eventually buy a house..this is only loans on education, cars, credit cards, ect...)

When it is all said and done, we spin by, pick up Seasan and then it is off to bed for everyone.  And that is our crazy Tuesday.

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