Saturday, October 2, 2010


Well, Seasan was feeling better this morning so off to Irish we went.  Patrick told me that he did not think she was ready for a performance yet, so we are not attending the performance in Alexandria this afternoon.  Instead we are cleaning house! (Yay me...not!)

Okay, the reality is I need to clean house.  I am obviously not doing so if I am blogging about it.  So I guess I will get off the computer and clean the living room and kitchen.  The kids are up in their rooms picking up and puting away clothes.  I told them if we get our chores done on Saturday that means that any time after church on Sunday is their time to do what they want.  I find this works well as they like to have a "day off" from chores.  (Not that they really have much in the way of chores.)

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