This morning I have to take Seasan and myself to the Dermatologist in Woodbridge. Last time we were at the pediatric Doctor they noticed a mole on Seasan's temple that looks suspicious. As a previous mole donor (yes that is a joke) I know all to well what to look for. I did not thing to look under her hair line though. As soon as potential removal was broached, my needle phobic daughter (I mean I will scream your ears out needle phobic) immediately protested. I can't say I blame dad always appropriately called the Dermatologist by the nick-name "Gouge Doctor".
At the moment, she is still listing reasons not to go to the doctor today. Top on her list is that it would detrimental (my word, not hers) to her school work to miss the time. 2nd is the fact that it is picture day. (That one doesn't work with me, because cheapskate mom would never buy the over priced, never look great anyway, pictures they try to sell you. Can you say $7.99 JCPenny portrait package anyone?) Lastly is the fact that she states would be the sole reason they will not be able to remove a mole. "I will freak out mom if they try to give me a shot." Pretty much to the point. I guess she forgot that I weigh 155 lbs and that this would not be the first time I had to literally lay down on top of her for them to give her a shot. Some thing about skin cancer vs. a child that will briefly hate me has me opting for option two. Of course..maybe it is after all, just a funky looking mole.
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