Friday, October 1, 2010

Where or where has my Pizza Gone?

So I think in my lazyness I have lost my mind.  I decided to be high tech and order pizza on-line. (Okay..I really just wanted to save the exorbinate fee of calling *411 to get the number on the way home.)  Anyways, I typed in the adress...waited forever for the page to load..picked a pizza...waited...put toppings on...waited.  I think you get the picture.  After about 10 minutes my pizza was ordered and we loaded into the car to pick it up.  (Once again, being to cheap to have it delivered.)

Another 7 minutes later Jon waives to me from the pizza place.  Thinking..okay, what did they mess up..I head on in. 

Me: "No order...what do you mean no order?" 
Them "Miss..are you sure you picked our store"
Me "Yes...I put in my address and it said this location".  (in my head "duh..I know where I ordered from")
Them 'There are two locations in this area"
Me "Oh"  "Ummm"
Them calling the other Domino's "Yes..okay..yes we will tell her"  "Miss...they have your order"

Needless to say, about an hour after the idea to order pizza, we are eating.  I guess I am not so on-line adept.

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